Hey, I'm Saria! I'm a variety content creator, Twitch and YouTube Partner based in Scotland, UK. I'm a Soulsborne fanatic, Irn Bru lover, profanity pro and unashamed Shrek enthusiast who has some bad food takes and loves a bad pun or dad joke.My content focuses on laid-back, engaging and at times chaotic gameplay, including a variety of RPG's, survival horror and retro video games. Challenge runs are a staple in my content and I love putting myself through chaos for the audience's viewing pleasure! I create Let's Play content on YouTube, sharing my journey through story-driven games in my (never-ending) backlog. I also love sharing my passion for make up by creating themed looks with my community.I am the team founder of the Rage Club stream team, a community of like-minded gamers with a focus on creativity, inclusivity and charity who have raised over $100k for various impactful charity causes since 2020.I am a BAFTA Connect Member and Safe In Our World Ambassador, and am keen to continue advocating for causes close to my heart as I grow within the industry.I've previously worked with reputable brands in social media, gaming, audio and clothing, notably Sony, AMD and Playstation UK and am open to collaboration with tech, make up and lifestyle brands.If you'd like to get in touch about content creation opportunities, including presenting, product reviews and sponsored gameplay, please reach out via the email below!